Diamonds – The Fascinating Gem

Diamonds – The Fascinating Gem

Diamond - The Fascinating Gem
Diamonds radiate with more than their sparkle. They radiate with romance! With love! With dreams come true! For some people these words are all synonymous. “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” sang Carol Channing in the Broadway show, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” and a half-century later these words still resonate with some truth. Immortalized as a symbol of love at an engagement, diamonds have adorned the heads of kings and queens, and been the bait of ransom for others. Many men have died trying to acquire diamonds, and women have been known to sell their honor to be able to wear them. Diamonds themselves were found in India many thousands of year ago and adorned only the wealthiest at that time.

Diamonds also play another role in our society – that of being one of the hardest known substances that modern industry can use. The word diamond originally came from the Greek word ‘adamas,’ which meant indestructible. Because the majority of diamonds mined are either too small or too imperfect to adorn the hand of love, they are used for industrial purposes where their hardness, rather than their beauty, reflects their value.

Diamonds are measured by weight, much like coal or potatoes. The basic unit, called a carat, is 200 milligrams, or 1/142nd of an avoirdupois ounce. Although measured by weight, a well-cut, one-carat diamond will measure one-quarter of an inch diameter. A most interesting fact is that an eight-carat diamond will measure only one-half of an inch diameter. Among the largest diamonds ever found was one weighing an awesome 3,106 carats – fist sized. It was cut into eight of the world’s greatest diamonds and 96 lesser gems.

Some occupations allow the craftsman to make a mistake, but not that of the diamond cutter. A large, rough uncut diamond has the potential of being worth millions. One slip on the part of the cutter and the stone becomes almost worthless. Legends tell of the rich diamond owners of years ago standing over their cutters while they worked.

Should they make a wrong cut he would order their immediate execution.The true aim of cutters then and now is to bring out the maximum brilliancy of the stone while eliminating as many flaws as possible and still retaining the maximum weight.The cutters are truly artists at this most specialized trade. While Nature made the raw stone, it takes a talented human to reveal the potential of its hidden beauty.

The services of an expert are truly necessary when acquiring diamonds for one’s own personal use. No other product has such potential for deceit or fraud. The reputable dealer remains your best insurance as you fall in love with the brilliance, fire and beauty of each diamond.

Colored Diamonds You Can Buy

Colored Diamonds You Can Buy

Colored Diamond You Can Buy
Aside from white, diamonds are also found in shades of yellow, brown, red, purple, blue and green. The color can be either natural or artificial.

Natural fancy color diamonds get their coloring in different ways. The color can be due to trace elements present in the stones, such as nitrogen, which produces a yellow diamond. The diamond may have been exposed to radiation during its creation; green diamonds are an example of gems affected by radiation. Inclusions, regarded as undesirable in a colorless stone, often contribute unique tones and interesting flashes of color in a fancy color diamond.

It is possible to enhance or change the natural color of a diamond. Fancy color diamonds are becoming increasingly popular, so gemologists have developed ways to create affordable versions by using heat and radiation to turn brownish and yellow diamonds into colorful show-stoppers, at an affordable price.

Treatments make it possible for more consumers to own these vivid diamonds, because most natural colored diamonds are rare and expensive. It is best to assume that any affordable fancy color diamond has been treated in some way. If there are questions as to a stone's origins, ask for a lab certificate to verify its authenticity. If a colored diamond is offered a bargain price, it is safe to assume the color is synthetic.

Unscrupulous sellers sometimes apply coatings to mask or enhance the true color of a diamond. These coatings can be removed by wear or cleaning solutions. Irradiation, followed by high heat treatment, is used to convert brown and yellow diamonds into fancy colors such as green, vivid yellows, blues, purples, reds and other colors. This color change is usually permanent, but could possibly be affected if high heat is used during setting repairs.

High Pressure High Temperature Treatment (HPHT) was first used to turn low-priced yellowish diamonds into fancy colored gemstones, but it is also used to transform them into completely colorless diamonds that can be sold for a much higher price. Some companies claim HPHT isn't an artificial treatment at all, calling it a technique that finishes the job nature started. Certainly diamonds are exposed to such an environment in the earth, and when the process is repeated in a man-made environment it is difficult to detect by examination of the stone. GIA grading reports now indicate when HTPT treatments are detected by stating "HPHT Annealed" or "Artificially Irradiated" in the Origins portion of a report. The FTC requires that any diamonds subjected to HPHT be labelled as such.

Synthetic colored diamonds are also available. These are chemically the same as natural diamonds, but they are created in a lab. The secret to making diamonds was discovered in the 1950s, when diamonds were synthesized almost simultaneously by Swedish and American researchers. This process uses pressures of over 55,000 atmospheres and 1400C, plus molten iron to convert graphite to diamond, were necessary. Currently approximately 80 tons of synthetic diamonds are produced annually by General Electric, De Beers, mostly for industrial use.

However, some companies are also producing high-grade synthetic diamonds, and this process makes ownership of a fancy color diamond a reality for buyers who otherwise could not afford to purchase a natural stone. For instance, a company called Gemesis specializes in producing yellow and orange fancy color diamonds.

Several factors influence the price of colored diamonds. The rarer and more intense the color, the more the diamond will cost. Unlike white diamonds, the presence or absence of inclusions is of secondary consideration. Colored diamonds have a grading all their own, and are categorized by the GIA into 9 different groups : Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Dark, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep and Fancy Vivid.

Yellow and brownish diamonds are the most common; blue, green and especially red are the rarest and most valuable. Yellow and pink diamonds are the most commonly purchased, though public tastes may change in the future. Pink diamond sales received a boost from a large pink diamond ring worn by Jennifer Lopez. Celebrity tastes greatly influence trends in the area of luxury products.

Yellow and brown diamonds are sometimes referred to as Champagne diamonds, and they are less expensive than white diamonds. Champagne diamonds with a secondary pink color are extremely popular. When faced up, these stones display light to bold flashes of pink in their fire. These stones are available in a sparkling range of champagne tones, from light champagne to fancy cognac. An extremely pale yellow diamond will be classified somewhere in the X to Z color range, making it closer to a low end white diamond rather than a fancy color. Yellow diamonds of a high intensity, such as vivid or deep, are quite rare and therefor more expensive.

Natural fancy pink diamonds are rare, and account for only a fraction of one percent of the output of the Australian Argyle mine. Pink diamonds mined in India, Brazil and Africa are usually lighter in color than the intensely pink Argyle diamonds. These diamonds are primarily divided into five color categories: Pink, Purplish pink, Brownish pink, Orangey pink and Pink Champagne. Pink diamonds without any secondary coloring are the rarest and most expensive of all.

By volume, the Argyle mine in the Kimberley region of Western Australia is the largest diamond supplier in the world. It is also world's foremost source of intensely colored pink diamonds, producing 95% of the world supply. However, only an extremely small proportion of Argyle diamonds production is Pink color, in fact less than one tenth of 1 percent. The fame of Argyle's pink diamonds has grown over the past decade. At the 1989 Christie's auction in New York a 3.14 carat Argyle pink sold for $1,510,000. Privately, Argyle has sold pink diamonds for up to $1 million a carat.

The Argyle mine, also a leader in the production of brownish diamonds which were previously unwanted by consumers, was the first to introduce the terms ‘champagne’ and ‘cognac’ as a marketing campaign to encourage appreciation of these stones. It seems to have worked, and brown diamonds are becoming more expensive as they are being incorporated more frequently into jewelry.

Within a given grade, clarity, color distribution and cut affect the final price of the stone. Smaller diamonds (less than 0.80) carat can cost 10%-20% less than the rarer large gems. Exceptionally well cut stones and stones with a VVS or IF clarity can cost 10%-20% more. Secondary colors, such as brownish yellow, reduce cost.

A good cut gives a fancy diamond its sparkle and helps to bring out the most intense color possible. White diamonds are cut in a standard way to maximize light refraction. However, when cutting colored diamonds, the cutter usually considers the stone's inclusions, which can enhance the diamond's color. Facets and angles also give color to a diamond, so the cutter must consider what shape would bring out the gemstone's best color.

The best prices are offered by "direct from the mine" wholesalers, merchants who buy either rough stone or newly cut diamonds directly from the source. Not all wholesalers will sell to private buyers, but the ones who do can save their clients a lot of money.

Diamond Grading

Diamond Grading

Diamond Grading
Diamonds are the most precious and eternal stone available on the earth that reflects its brilliance and glitter on its wearer. For making an appropriate and intelligent purchase, a buyer must know about the 4 c’s of a diamond which ultimately determines the different grades of a diamond. Clarity, cut, carat and color are the four c’s that decides the grade of a diamond.

Clarity is the clearness or transparency of the diamond. The extent of diamond established the extent of its flaws and on the basis of the blemishes of each diamond an expert will decide about its shape and size that is visible from the naked eye. The value and worth of a diamond increases with less flaws and imperfections. So, clarity is an important element in deciding the worth of a diamond.

A well defined cut in a diamond decides its true worth as diamond in a raw form is nothing but a piece of glass. Generally, a cut in a diamond is done keeping the depth, symmetry and polish of the raw diamond in mind and on this particular basis a diamond gets its original shape and size. There are various shapes like round, emerald, pear, marquise and heart that distinguishes diamonds so, a suitable and promising cut in a diamond is really important factor in depicting the value of a diamond.

Carat or weight of a diamond is also a deciding factor in setting a grade of a diamond. Normally one carat is equivalent to 0.07 ounces that is equals to 200 milligrams. That’s why; increase in the weight of a diamond also increases the price of the diamond. And because of this very reason, it is always desirable to have a big diamond which is beautiful and of great worth too.

‘The lesser the better’, is the quote associated with diamond that establishes the price and value of a diamond. Diamonds are ranging from colorless to brown according that shows its worth and grade. The value and worth of a colorless diamond will be greater than other diamonds as it is free from any hues and flaws. Whereas, diamonds are also available in various colors such as pink, blue and green shades too.

So, the grade of a diamond is totally based upon the above mentioned 4c’s that not only settles its grade but also its true worth, value and correct price too.  Now, you can evaluate yourself the true worth of your money that is really high and everlasting.

Diamond Jewelry Authenticity - Easy ways to Distinguish Between Real Diamonds and Imitations

Diamond Jewelry Authenticity - Easy ways to Distinguish Between Real Diamonds and Imitations

Diamond Jewelry Authenticity
Chances are, if you are buying a diamond ring for someone, you want your diamond to be special, durable, and most of all, authentic. With all of the imitation diamond jewelry on the market today, it is wise to know a few helpful hints on how to determine a real diamond from a fake.

Learn the tools of the trade and gather a few of these easy tricks up your sleeve. It is time to put your diamond to the test.

1. Real Diamonds are flawed; fakes are not.

While some might think that the goal in purchasing the perfect diamond is to find one that is virtually flawless—that is not always the case. Carefully crafted Cubic Zirconia sports absolutely no imperfections, making it easy to label as fake. Real, pure diamonds contain tiny ‘flaws’ which oftentimes creates a brilliance that cannot be seen in fakes.

2. Look inside your Diamond.

Much like looking inside a crystal ball, looking inside your diamond will reveal the truth about its true components and its authenticity. The key is: Real diamonds always have something inside. If you look into your diamond with a 1200x microscope, you should be able to see tiny inclusions within the stones infrastructure. If you hold the diamond in front of your eye and look through its side, you should not be able to see through it, nor should it look to be one clear, unified color. If the stone exerts zero degrees of brilliance, and if you can see through it from the side, then it is definitely fake.

3. Look at the Setting & Mount. 

Since stones made up of imitation substances such as Cubic Zirconia and Moissanite are so much cheaper than diamonds, they are usually set in less expensive metals. Chances are, a fake diamond would not be set in real gold.

4. Check the Wear and Tear of the Stone.

Real diamonds have remarkable durability and a hardened sharpness that is strong enough to scratch glass. If there or any scratches or nicks on the surface of your Diamond, or if you can make them, then your diamond is not real.

Simple Two-Minute Tests

1. The Reading Test.

If your diamond is not mounted, set it on a newspaper. If you can see through it at all, even if you just see distorted black smudges instead of clearly-marked letters, than your diamond is a fake. Real diamonds have so many intricacies in their infrastructure that it is impossible for light to pass all the way through them without being first refracted.

2. The Sandpaper Test.

Diamonds are the hardest known substance. That being said, it is impossible for real diamond jewelry to be scratched. Using either wet or dry sandpaper, test your diamond by scratching it vigorously on the brittle surface of the paper. If it becomes nicked, it is surely a fake. 

3.    The Sparkle Test.

View your diamond from the top, then from the side. Compare the shiny, reflective qualities that you may have noticed when looking down onto the face of your diamond, with the way your diamond shines and reflects when being viewed at a side angle. Imitation diamonds are purposely crafted to look like real diamonds from a birds-eye-view, but are less commonly apt to carry those same characteristics throughout the rest of the stone.

Buy diamonds

Buy diamonds

Buy Diamond
Diamond is one of the rare and expensive stone that is really desirable and valuable. With its glittering shine and lavishness in style, diamonds are always a great piece to treasure it for throughout the life. Normally, the value and worth of diamond is calculated on the basis of its clarity, cut, color and carat or weight. Once you get aware of these 4 c’s, it becomes easier to choose a right and perfect diamond that reflects its charm and beauty brilliantly.

Clarity, cut, color and carat complete the 4’c of diamond that ensures its actual worth of a diamond. Here, clarity refers to the clearness of the diamond i.e. the transparency as well as the size and varieties of the diamond. Cut refers to symmetry, finish, polish and depth of the stone which determines its brilliance. The rareness of colors in diamond also affect the price of a diamond as blue, pink, yellow diamonds are really limited and hard to locate thus increasing the price of the diamond. Carat or weight of the diamond is also a major influencing factor in fixing a price of a diamond as price increases with an increase in weight.

Now, when you are sure about these 4c’s, locating a good and suitable diamond for your choice becomes easier. You can go to different sellers and compare the prices of the same piece. Just match the stone with your understanding and needs. For making an effective purchase, you can also go for loose stones as they are economical and vivid in their varieties. From there, you can pick your favorite stone with its color and get it fixed in your preferred design and metal. You can also order a diamond of your choice if it is not available in their store, they will deliver your order in their next lot.

Nowadays, online jewelry purchases are also becoming a hot market. It is a great collection of different varieties of diamonds available in affordable price and great designs.

So, try to learn about 4 c’s correctly and accurately as they will ensure your search for a good diamond. Check the guarantee card and other certificates very well to make sure their clarity, cut, carat and color specifications. See, if it is a suitable piece for your beloved or the person you are intended to gift as it is that brilliant and lavish piece of jewel that a person cherish for her entire life.

Diamond Jewelry Appraisals - Are they Worth It?

Diamond Jewelry Appraisals - Are they Worth It?

Diamond Jewelry Appraisals
When you buy diamond jewelry such as diamond rings, diamond pendants, necklaces, or tennis bracelets, you're not only buying a product, you're investing in an item with tremendous value for now and the future. You can protect your investment by getting a certified diamond appraisal. Here are some benefits of appraisals and how they work.

Secure Proper Insurance for Your Diamond Jewelry

Since diamond jewelry is considered to be a financial investment, it's wise to include it in your property insurance. Your insurance company will likely require a written description of the jewelry item. A diamond appraisal will define the specifics of your jewelry such as the weight in carats, cut size and shape, clarity, and appraised value. A photo of your diamond jewelry is included with your appraisal as well. Many appraisals today allow for three-year updates to update the value of your jewelry according to the current market since jewelry prices can rise and fall with the economy.

When applying for insurance, you'll know exactly what the value is and how much coverage to obtain if you have a certified appraisal. If your jewelry is damaged or stolen, you'll be able to replace it according to its actual value.

Selling Your Diamond Jewelry

In the event that you must sell your diamond jewelry, an appraisal will enable you to get top-dollar for your jewelry. You cannot accurately price your jewelry in this ever-changing market without a certified appraisal. What you paid for the diamond five years ago might be minimal compared to what it's worth now. On the other hand, the value might have gone down as well. You'll never know for sure unless you get an appraisal.

What Type of Appraisal?

It's best to get a certified appraisal from a Graduate Gemologist, particularly for diamonds, a person who has a Gemologist Institute of America (GIA) degree specializing in diamonds. This guarantees that your appraisal is accurate and will provide multiple benefits when obtaining insurance or reselling the diamond jewelry later.

Where to Get Appraisals

You can locate a nearby gemologist by asking your local jeweler or by checking in the phone book or online. Some jewelry stores have an in-house appraiser who appraises jewelry for the store and its customers. Ask about qualifications before paying an appraiser.

Special Appraisal Offerings

When searching for diamond jewelry, you'll find that some companies offer a free diamond jewelry appraisal with your purchase. This is a tremendous value-added service that can save you time and money. Once again, be sure the appraisal is performed by someone with a GIA degree.

You can usually find these types of offers online. Jewelry stores online offer a great selection and the convenience of shopping from your own home computer. You can shop for many jewelry items such as diamond rings, tennis bracelets, wedding rings, gold chains, circle pendants, diamond pendants, cluster rings, and more while never leaving your home!

Use these diamond jewelry appraisal tips to ensure peace of mind and to get the most value and enjoyment from your jewelry.

Romantic Diamonds

Romantic Idea

Romantic Dating

Romantics Valentine