10 Romantic Ideas for Music Lovers

10 Romantic Ideas for Music Lovers

By: Amy Cunningham

Looking for romantic ideas for your music buff sweetie? Look no further. We've come up with 10 great romantic ideas and gifts for music fans everywhere. Make these romantic ideas a little more romantic by customizing them to you and your partner.

  •  Concert Tickets.
Order concert tickets to a band he'd like to see. Turn it into a romantic night by planning a romantic dinner before hand. If there aren't any concerts coming up, surprise them with an evening out to see a local band.
  • Concert at Home.
If you're home-bodies, why not plan a concert at home? Get a couple of live performance DVD's of your favorite bands. Slow dance together to the ballads and rock it together on the faster songs.

  • Musical Instruments.
Sign him up for music lessons if there's an instrument that he'd love to learn to play. If he already plays an instrument, but would like to learn more, this works well too. If you want to spend a little more, get him a new instrument, like a guitar.

  • Serenade Her.
Check out online karaoke services like ksolo.com and serenade her with a recorded love song. Make it even more romantic by selecting a song that means something to you as a couple, such as "your" song or the song you danced to at your wedding.

  • Custom Music.
Create a custom cd for your sweetie or a custom playlist on their ipod filled with love songs or songs that hold a special meaning for the two of you.

  • Musical Upgrade.
If she's still using a cd player, why not get her a new mp3 player or ipod? If she's already got one, upgrade her to a better model.

  • One of a Kind.
Get your music lover something completely unique. Track down a signed CD or album from their favorite band. If you can't locate one, you could try sending the CD insert to your favorite artist's publicist for an autograph.

  • Satellite Radio.
Upgrade their radio by signing them up with Sirius satellite radio or an XM radio service. They'll be in complete control of their music any time they're in the car from now on.

  • Musical Arts.
Take her to the symphony -- or even better, get season passes. You could also try a romantic night at the Opera, ala Pretty Woman. If neither are available in your area, look for tickets to a musical such as 'Phantom of the Opera' for romance and music in one.

  • Pops in the Park.
In many cities, local orchestra's offer 'pops in the park' shows where you can bring along chairs, a blanket, and a picnic to enjoy while you listen to the music.

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